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Secure Multicasting for Wireless Sensor Networks


Dona Maria Mani


Vol. 14  No. 11  pp. 70-75


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of one or more base stations and a number of sensor nodes that get stimulated from external events. Message transmission is a critical security service in Wireless Sensor Networks and is vulnerable to different types of attacks. Symmetric key based schemes such as ?TESLA [1] and multilevel ?TESLA [2] were proposed to provide such services for WSNs, however, these schemes suffer from serious DoS attacks due to the delay in message authentication. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) [3][4] is widely deployed in wireless devices, where computing power, memory and battery life are limited, owing to its significant advantages over RSA. Public Key Cryptography (PKC) is widely used for multicast authentication. But intensive use of PKC for authentication is expensive to resource constrained sensor nodes. Hence, a novel PKC based authentication scheme using signature amortization is implemented for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) that overcomes the vulnerabilities in symmetric based schemes and reduces the overhead for authentication significantly. The scheme uses a variant of ECC called as Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for this purpose. In addition the scheme also ensures the confidentiality and integrity of messages by Secure Socket Layer protocol (SSL) and encryption using blowfish algorithm followed by base64 encoding. Finally a comparison between the basic schemes of message authentication like HMAC and RSA, and the newly implemented scheme is conducted based on the amount of CPU time consumption


WSN, ECC, PKC, ECDSA, authentication, integrity, confidentiality, RSA, HMAC