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Formalization of the Result of Web Services Remodularization Using Directed Labeled Graph
Lala Madiha Hakik, Rachid El Harti
Citation |
Vol. 14 No. 10 pp. 13-19
In previous research we proceeded to remodularization of software architectures based of classes and packages and architectures based on components. We used approaches based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) [2] [6] [7], Oriented Graph [1] [4] and Relational Concept Analysis (RCA) [3]. The Web-based Information Systems (WIS) rely more frequently on a service-oriented architecture. This concept of architecture seeks to organize a set of isolated software applications into a set of interconnected services. Each one is accessible through the interfaces and standard communication protocols [5]. Last approaches, one using the concept of view and the point of view of web services was adopted [5] [8], others are based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) [2] and Relational concept analysis for remodularization at the level of web sevices [25] [26]. This paper is an extension of our work on remodularization at the level of web services [25] whose result has been a directed graph to be labeled for a better understanding by the software expert
Remodularization, Web Services, Relational concept analysis (RCA), Directed Labeled Graph