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Peer Trust based Trust and Reputation Model for Wireless Sensor Networks to Protect Border
Mohammed Aseeri, Muhammad R Ahmed, Ahmed Al Ghamdind, Sultan AlMorqi
Citation |
Vol. 14 No. 8 pp. 14-21
Border security has become a high-priority issue in many countries around the world. The Conventional border surveillance or petrol systems consist of check points and border troops but it does not provide the complete security. In addition to that smart fencing is a solution to extend the eyes and ears of the Border Patrol. The idea is to use wireless sensor network (WSN) which consists of low-cost and multifunctional resources constrain autonomous nodes. WSN is used to create a virtual fence consisting of a large number of heterogeneous devices such as cameras, sensors, and mobile stations, providing continuous security monitoring, which is a cost effective. In order to function wireless sensor network efficiently security and trust model is a vital challenge. In this paper we focuses on peer trust based trust and reputation system management, which is an innovative solution for maintaining a minimum security level between two entities having transactions or interactions within a distributed system
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Border Security, Peer Trust, Security