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DDOS Attack Detection Based on an Ensemble of Neural Classifier
Madhav Kale, D.M.Choudhari
Citation |
Vol. 14 No. 7 pp. 122-129
This Paper Reviews the Detection of DDoS Attck.This DDoS attacks could be detected using the existing machine learning techniques such as neural classifiers. These classifiers lack generalization capabilities which result in less performance leading to high false positives. This paper evaluates the performance of a comprehensive set of machine learning algorithms for selecting the base classifier using the publicly available KDD Cup dataset. Based on the outcome of the experiments, Resilient Back Propagation (RBP) was chosen as base classifier for our research. The improvement in performance of the RBP classifier is the focus of this paper. Our proposed classification algorithm, RBPBoost, is achieved by combining ensemble of classifier outputs and Neyman Pearson cost minimization strategy, for final classification decision. Publicly available datasets such as KDD Cup, DARPA 1999, DARPA 2000, and CONFICKER were used for the simulation experiments. RBPBoost was trained and tested with DARPA, CONFICKER, and our own lab datasets. Detection accuracy and Cost per sample were the two metrics evaluated to analyze the performance of the RBPBoost classification algorithm. From the simulation results, it is evident that RBPBoost algorithm achieves high detection accuracy (99.4%) with fewer false alarms and outperforms the existing ensemble algorithms. RBPBoost algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms with maximum gain of 6.6% and minimum gain of 0.8%
DDoS Attack, Feed forward Neural Network, KDDCup dataset, Probabilistic Neural Network, Intrusion Detection, Machine Learning Techniques