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Enhancing Kerberos Security using Public Key and Context-Aware Access Control
Gauri Gunjal, S.K.Pathan
Citation |
Vol. 14 No. 6 pp. 78-86
Authentication is a first phase in standard Kerberos which is password dependent. It makes the protocol vulnerable from attackers for password hacking using offline or online attacks. In this paper we have proposed password-less authentication which is based on public-key that gives increase security but at the same time it¡¯s lighter on computations & network traffic compare to well-known PKI. Authorization is second phase of kerberos. Here technically kerberos provides service ticket to all valid users present in system & expects Application Server to take decisions on granting or rejecting request during third phase. In this paper we have customized second phase of kerberos so that authorization decision for critical services can be taken by using user¡¯s context data. This enhancement would stop sending service tickets to unauthorized users making hackers job really tough to reach onto third phase. The context aware control mechanism we proposed here addresses core security needs of any organization who wants to tightly control access to critical services.
Authentication, Authorization, Context-Aware authorization, Kerberos authentication protocol, Public Key Systems