A research work without considering the power constraint cannot be conceded a fine contribution towards Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET). As MANET comes into action for some special purpose, but its fugacity sometimes result degrades in network performance. Although the many prominent features of MANET like mobility, dynamic change in topology, multi radio relaying, quickly lay down the network without depending upon fixed infrastructures and many more provides tremendous flexibilities for the end user but challenges like limited power constraint, reliable data communication, band width utilization , network performance and throughput are still needed to be handle very sensibly. As limited battery power and inefficient routing protocol mechanism are high prone to network partition, in such case the network needs to be established more than once. Because communication establishment involves many costly operations like route discovery and route maintenance. The more the network partition the more the packet drops and packet loss which indeed requires a number of retransmission of packets, consuming network bandwidth as well as depleting battery power of individual nodes with a higher rate, which are the major destructive elements in network performance degradation as well as the major cause of reducing individual node¡¯s life time and network life time. So with all caveat in mind, we have proposed a novel Grid Based Dynamic Energy Efficient Routing (GBDEER) approach which is aimed to construct an energy efficient path from source to destination based on grid area, where each grid will have three deferent levels of transmission power. Every grid will have its own grid supervisor node who will take the responsibility during data communication, especially when the data is been passed through that specific grid. And keeping the dynamic nature of MANET in mind, we have also provide the feature of grid subordinate node, who will take the place of grid supervisor in case the supervisor is moving out of the grid area or running out of energy from certain threshold level. So we our proposed method not only establishes an energy efficient path but also concerned a dedicated path which can be used for data communication for a long period of time without any network partition. Hence this approach will be less prone to all those problems mentions above by the incorporating an efficient mobility handling mechanism
Mobile ad hoc Networks, nodes, Routing Protocols, Energy Efficient Routing Protocols, GBDEER protocol