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Normalization of DNA Microarray Data with BIC Model Comparison


Takeo Okazaki


Vol. 14  No. 3  pp. 9-15


DNA microarray data, which are efficient for estimation and identification of genetic network, have a large variety due to those experimental environments and measurement. Standardization by an appropriate bias correction is needed for the comparison and the data integration between two or more experiments. On the grounds of normality of distribution in the ideal expression data, some adjustment methods that consider a specific bias for specific expression data have been proposed. In this research, after all combinations of assumed multiple bias and the adjustment methods were modeled, and the appropriate model by BIC was selected for normalization of expression data. The proposal method was applied to a Yeast, Escherichia coli, and Homo sapiens microarray data from Stanford Microarray Database, and the comparative experiment results with previous methods were shown so far.


DNA Microarray, Gene Expression Data, Normailization, BIC