In this paper, We propose two efficient algorithms. referred to as Rate-based Load Balancing via Virtual Routing (RLBVR) and Queue-based Load Balancing via Virtual Routing (QLBVR), which belong to the above RAP and QRAP policies. we classify the dynamic distributed load balancing algorithms for heterogeneous distributed computer systems into three policies: Queue Adjustment Policy (QAP), Rate Adjustment Policy (RAP), and Queue and Rate Adjustment Policy (QRAP). We also consider algorithms Estimated Load Information Scheduling Algorithm (ELISA) and Perfect Information Algorithm, which were introduced in the literature, to implement QAP policy. Our focus is to analyze and understand the behaviours of these algorithms in terms of their load balancing abilities under varying load conditions (light, moderate, or high) and the minimization of the mean response time of jobs. We compare the above classes of algorithms by a number of rigorous simulation experiments to elicit their behaviours under some influencing parameters, such as load on the system and status exchange intervals. We also extend our experimental verification to large scale cluster systems such as a Mesh architecture, which is widely used in real-life situations. From these experiments, recommendations are drawn to prescribe the suitability of the algorithms under various situations.
Dynamic load balancing, cluster or distributed computer system, mean response time, queuing theory, status exchange interval.