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Pap Smear Screening Test and It¡¯s Applications in Cervical Cancer Detection and Classification


S.Athinarayanan, M.V.Srinath


Vol. 13  No. 12  pp. 98-103


A large group of women population, in the world is affected by the cervical cancer in their different age groups. Hence, most of the researchers, pathologists and also more number of collegiate have provided more number of solutions, to identify this cancer from the test images of pap smear screening test. But their results represent, only to an extent, whether the patient is affected by cancer or not, and do not specially identify the exact nature and severity of the cancer. In this paper, it is proposed, to identify the cancer and classify the stage of the cancer from the pap smear test images with high accuracy. The proposed work is based on segmentation, enhancement, and feature extraction and classification process. Test results show the mean and area value based classification of the normal and abnormal cell and also to identify the stage of the cervical cancer. Hence the results would be more useful for the pathologists to reduce their work load and minimize the human error while improving the accuracy of diagnosis.


cervical cancer, segmentation, enhancement, nuclei detection, feature extraction, classification