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Context Awareness through Cross-Layer Network Architecture


Murthy D.H.R, Ramesh M. Badiger


Vol. 13  No. 12  pp. 92-97


Layered architectures are not sufficiently flexible to cope with the dynamics of wireless-dominated next generation communications. Cross-layer approaches may provide a better solution: allowing interactions between two or more nonadjacent layers in the protocol stack. Cross-layer architectures based on purely local information will not be able to support system-wide cross-layer performance optimization, context awareness, etc. A new cross-layer architecture which provides a hybrid local and global view, using gossiping to maintain consistency. This paper includes the possibilities of context-awareness in communications through this architecture by two examples. The first example uses user centric context to control the available link-bandwidth and satisfy user accordingly. The second uses contextual information to control the transmission power of a mobile node.


Layered architecture, Cross-Layer Architecture, Context awareness