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Governing Web 2.0 Adoption in Public Sector in Emirates of Abu Dhabi, UAE


Noha Ramadan


Vol. 13  No. 9  pp. 36-50


Enterprise Information Technology (IT) has become critical in supporting business sustainability and growth. Emerging Web 2.0 technologies contribute significantly to the fulfillment of key organizational goals and objectives in the public sector. Web 2.0 assist organizations improve employee¡¯s productivity, increase communications, information sharing, and improve business processes. The pervasive use of Web 2.0 has created a critical need for effective IT governance procedures. Therefore, investigating Web 2.0 adoption decisions in public organizations is important. Adoption of Web 2.0 entails specifying a framework for Web 2.0 adoption decision accountability, identifying implementation factors and portraying the governance framework of Web 2.0 adoption in the lights of organizational policies, procedures, guidelines and existing organizational IT governance framework.


IT Governance, Web 2.0, Adoption Frameworks, Wiki, Blogs.