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User Authentication Mechanism for Sharing E-resource in Educational Clouds
I.Arulmani, L.Arockiam, N.Veeraragavan
Citation |
Vol. 13 No. 8 pp. 58-62
Cloud computing is a computing environment centre on clients and to access the programs or documents stored correspondingly in servers. In this paper we have discussed mainly on cloud computing environment in educational system. The educational learning, utilising e-resources can be done between two or more educational institutions with community cloud computing. The authentication should not depend (or) should not matter where the user is all over the world. It should be noted only the user can use the methodology anywhere in the world by the communication. We used latest criteria for authentication process like communication between user and server with highly secured two levels security model. Global Positioning System (GPS) and Mobile Tracking Software (MTS) were used main resources. With the help of mobile phone and internet, the password is transferred in two level processes. Community cloud computing is focussed in order to make use of two or more users can be provided the cloud services.
Authentication, security, Global Positioning System (GPS), Mobile Tracking Software (MTS), Educational Learning, Community Cloud, e-resource