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A Study on Evaluation Model and Role of Government and Non-government Organizations of Robot Industry Cluster in Convergence Industry Environments


Hak-joo Lee, Eung-Hyuk Lee


Vol. 13  No. 7  pp. 1-8


This study was designed to investigate the role of the government and non-government organizations in economic development that occurs due to the formation of regional clusters in the robot industry under convergence industry environments, which characterize today¡¯s global industrial environment. Towards this end, a case study was conducted with a robot industry cluster in Bucheon, which is referenced in many research papers as a voluntary agglomeration zone of domestic robot companies as the primary targets, using the data from a questionnaire survey (92% response) of 50 robot companies located in Bucheon. To measure the degree of development of the robot industry in the region, five evaluation models in other regions in Korea were analyzed, and a more effective quantitative evaluation was carried out by establishing a separate comprehensive model. The research contents for the evaluation cover measurements of how companies further grow to some extent through the support of the public sector, along with companies¡¯ voluntary efforts, in addition to more than 50 items that include revenue growth and increase in employment, which could be surveyed arithmetically.


Bucheon industry environments, Evaluation Model, Robot industry cluster, Role of government and non government