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Vertical Handoff Reduction Mechanism Using IEEE 802.21 Standard in Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) Network
Mosharrof Hussain Masud
Citation |
Vol. 13 No. 6 pp. 76-82
Low handoff latency and minimum packet loss are envisioned important factors for the next generation Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) based heterogeneous networks. To meet these constraints IEEE 802.21-Media Independent Handover (MIH) has introduced to enhance the Quality of Service (QoS) of the networks. The MIH provides link layer information to the network layer to reduce handoff latency while the MN changes its active interface to another interface. In this paper with conjunction this MIH, an entity Smooth Handoff Controller (SHC) and an algorithm is proposed to select alternative interfaces in advance while the mobile node (MN) using an active interface. This mechanism helps the MN to configure additional interfaces that reduces handoff latency and packet loss. The simulation result shows better improvement over the standard MIPv6. The simulation has conducted on OMNeT++. According to the simulation results, the handoff latency reduced about 70% and packet loss around 40% to 45% that indicate a great improvement towards achieving better QoS.
s- Handoff latency, MIPv6, IEEE 802.21- MIH, packet loss.