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Grid Computing Security Implementation Challenges


Muhammad Naeem khan, Shahid Hussain


Vol. 13  No. 3  pp. 80-85


Grid networks are today¡¯s more focusing area of research for the researchers due to the services it provides with its cost effectiveness in the most advanced technologies in an innovative use. Even though it is providing various level of services, still it is facing very big challenges, due to the security concerns, that may arise in a collaborative environment for creating a level of trust among the organization that will be part of the grid. This paper will review the literature of the work done in past and currently for tackling the security concerns and will lay a foundation for making the security and privacy more tighten in such a large collaborative environment that can grow to a very large scale. This work will mainly focus on the current trends in grid network for coping with the security and privacy issues.


Grid Security, virtual organization (VO), privacy, authorization, authentication, OGSA.