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Multi-path Mechanism for Audio / Video Streaming Based on Bandwidth Estimation


Joonsuk Kang, Koji Okamura


Vol. 13  No. 2  pp. 24-31


By the remarkable improvement of network performance which consist of Internet and the diffusion of high-end terminals such as smart-phones, media streaming service is becoming one of the major communication technologies. However current packet networks still can not provide a stable transmission quality and it can cause stream quality degradation. Especially, the main factor affecting quality is congestion across a network. Efficient utilization of available bandwidth over multiple access networks of multi-homed devices can be a reasonable solution to provide good quality for real-time media streaming applications. In this paper, we propose Real Time & Multi-path Transmission Protocol (RTMTP), a transport layer protocol in which multiple path real-time transport is available. Our protocol exploits RTP¡¯s real-time features and SCTP¡¯s multi-homing capability by enabling the use of multiple paths to transfer media streams. RTMTP uses the end-to-end sender-based bandwidth estimation mechanism to measure the actual available bandwidth of each path. To maximize network bandwidth efficiency of multiple paths, the RTMTP shares traffic among those paths and the transmission rate for each path is determined according to the measured available bandwidth. RTMTP also helps users to use their preferred access network as much as possible. Our simulation results show that RTMTP improves streaming transmission throughput


Real-time streaming, multi-path delivery, bandwidth-estimation, SCTP, RTP/RTCP