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Color Image Techniques for Image Retrieval in Large Image Set of Database
R.Venkata Ramana Chary,D.Rajya Lakshmi Gitam, K.V.N Sunitha
Citation |
Vol. 13 No. 1 pp. 89-96
In this paper we concentrated on content-based image retrieval system in early days many interactive systems performed with basic concepts but such systems are not reaching to the user specifications and not attracted to the user so a lot of research interest in recent years with new specifications, recent approaches have user friendly methods are expecting somany are concentrated for improvement. Assuming that a user is looking for a set of images with similar feature using the query concept within a huge database in this Proposed system we focus on the retrieval of images within a large image collection based on color projections and different mathematical approaches are applied for retrieval of image. before Appling proposed methods images are sub grouping using threshold values, in this paper R G B color combinations considered for retrieval of images and four proposed methodsare implemented and results are included ,through results it is observed that we obtaining fast and efficient results comparatively previous and existing methods . the aim this paper is to improve the efficiency to retrieve the query images .
Color combination, threshold, Retrieval, Query, image Database