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A Seamless Adaptive Mobility Management Scheme for 4-G Network
Bhaskar S, G A E Satish Kumar, P Ramanareddy, Kashyap Dhruve
Citation |
Vol. 13 No. 1 pp. 39-45
The evolution of IPVv6 -Core based Mobile communication system is conceptualized with various factors of scalabilities, convergence and availability in true sense, which is the goal of fourth generation (4G) mobile network. One of the main objectives of 4G network is to bring a convergence of Internet domain and telecommunication with better quality of service (QoS) provisioning to all its mobile users. Therefore design of an adaptive protocol for seamless handoff synchronized with non linear mobility pattern is an active research issue. This paper introduces a novel scheme called Reduced Registration Time Care-of Mobile IP (RRTC: MIP). RRTC: MIP introduces architecture of adopting care-of address of home network in more optimized way in order to reduce the registration time, which in turn reduces the handoff latency. The proposed scheme is simulated in discrete time simulator OMNeT++. The performance parameters like network Registration time, Handoff -latency versus mobility is evaluated and compared with the existing MIPv6. The efficiency of proposed RRTC:MIP is found better than MIPv6.
IPv6, 4G Network, Handoff