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Analysis of Subjects with Greater Difficulty for University Students in the Area of Computer Science


Cinhtia Gonz?lez-Segura, Teresita Monta?ez-May, Victor Chi-Pech, Carlos Miranda-Palma, Sergio Gonz?lez-Segura


Vol. 12  No. 10  pp. 62-67


This paper describes a study of the subjects and topics of greatest difficulty among university students of the Bachelor¡¯s degree in Computer Science performed in the Autonomous University of Yucatan. In order to obtain the students¡¯ opinion, a survey was administered and the results were compared against their grades, considering the subjects offered during a school cycle. The subjects exhibiting higher degree of difficulty were: Vector Calculus, Theory of Computation, Compilers and Distributed Systems. There was a large overlap between the most difficult subjects, according to the students¡¯ opinion, and the subjects with the lowest grades, reported by the professors. Among the main reasons given protrudes confusion in students while performing certain activities, and the deficiency of previous foundations necessary to understand some topics. There are important mentions of a difficulty to understand the professor¡¯s explanation, and to perform activities by themselves. Therefore, a proposal to develop digital materials designed to support difficult topics and subjects is made, as well as to perform extracurricular activities to reinforce the teaching-learning process of the university students.


Difficult subjects, academic performance, high education.