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Developing a Web-based GNH Survey Application and a Web Service for Identifying Missing Data Mechanism in Incomplete Survey Data


Sonam Tshering, Takeo Okazaki, Satoshi Endo


Vol. 12  No. 8  pp. 44-48


This paper proposes a web-based GNH survey application, capa-ble of identifying missing data mechanism which is crucial in effectively handling missing data in survey questionnaire. First, we¡¯ve stated the rationale behind GNH survey briefly highlighting the concept and the birth of GNH. Second, we¡¯ve described the present approach of conducting GNH survey with special emphasis on the problems associated with it. Third, we¡¯ve shown our proposed GNH survey application, demonstrating how the problems of current approach can be rectified and improved upon. In addition, the issues of missing data in a database and as to how to handle it via a web service are also discussed and implemented. Finally, we¡¯ve presented how a web service has been developed and integrated into GNH survey application.


GDP, GNH, survey, application, missing data mechanism, web services