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CBH-MAC Protocol for Multihop QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks
Kumaraswamy M, Shaila K, Tejaswi V, Venugopal K R, S S Iyengar, L M Patnaik
Citation |
Vol. 12 No. 7 pp. 11-20
This paper proposes an efficient hybrid MAC for multihop QoS protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks for delay sensitive data traffic. We present Contention Based Hybrid MAC (CBH-MAC) protocol for both chain and cross topology, which reduces end-to-end delay, energy efficiency and maximizes the packet delivery ratio by minimizing the contention at the nodes. Here, a node operates the reservation procedure at the contention-based period and reserves a time slot in the adaptive contention-free time. All the neighbor nodes of the sender and receiver receive their own reservation control packets. Once reserved, the sender transmits data and receives ACK packets at the adaptive contention-free time. Since reservation packets occur in nodes along the routing path, the nodes reserve time slots successively in multi-hop. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol has significantly reduced the end-to-end latency and improved other QoS parameters energy efficiency and packet delivery ratio. The performance of CBH-MAC protocol is better than the existing MAC protocols: Hybrid-MAC and Sensor-MAC.
Energy efficiency, Contention Based Hybrid (CBH), Hybrid medium-access control (H-MAC), Latency, Reservation Control, Quality of Service (QoS)