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Security Ontology Driven Multi Agent System Architecture for Cloud Data Storage Security: Ontology Development
Amir Mohamed Talib, Rodziah Atan, Rusli Abdullah, Masrah Azrafi Azmi Murad
Citation |
Vol. 12 No. 5 pp. 63-72
The semantically structure of cloud computing security knowledge, an ontology based security approaches have been increasingly adopted by several expertise from diverse security domains. Cloud computing usually requires a high level of collaboration amongst security entities. Maintaining consistency within this collaborative framework is a hurdle faced by information security professional¡¯s team. This paper outlines a new approach dealing with this issue through the development of an ontology-driven multi-agent system (MAS) Architecture followed by describing the content of the ontology as well as its usages, potential for extension, technical implementation and tools for working with it. We present publicly available, OWL-based security ontology of Cloud Data Storage (CDS) security which cloud security goals, cloud models, cloud components, cloud assets, cloud threats and their relations. The use of our ontology is proposed as a powerful of MAS Architecture developed by Prot?g? software to tackle the issues of security goals of confidentiality, correctness assurance, availability and integrity to ensure the security of CDS. There are three main steps, 1) domain, purpose and scope setting, 2) important terms acquisition, classes and class hierarchy conceptualization and 3) instances creation.
Cloud Computing, Cloud Data Storage, Security, Ontology, Multi Agent System, Cloud Service Provider, Protege and Web Ontology Language