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Diagnosing MAC Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Statistical Methods
J. Hannah Monisha, Rhymend Uthariaraj
Citation |
Vol. 12 No. 5 pp. 1-9
A Mobile Ad Hoc Network is formed dynamically and self organizes. Every node acts as a sender, a receiver and a router. Due to its mobility, providing QoS is a challenge. IEEE 802.11e provides QoS by allocating differentiated Transmission Opportunity, Arbitrary Inter Frame Space and Contention Window sizes. Though many times QoS is obtained, sometimes priority reversal occurs due to misbehavior of certain nodes in the MANET which reduces the throughput of the high priority traffic significantly thus infringement of QoS. To diagnose this misbehavior of certain nodes, statistical methods are proposed to decide if a node is misbehaving or not at two stages by analyzing the parameters such as Transmission Opportunity and Contention Window sizes. The model is analytically verified using Diagnostic Statistics. The model is implemented using ns2 and the results are compared with the existing model. Result shows that the proposed model is sensitive for small samples and deviations and is able to diagnose 11% more skewed misbehavior and 23% more proportional misbehavior.
MANET, Misbehavior, Wilcoxon paired sample signed-rank test, Diagnostic Statistics