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Conceptualizing Semantic Social Network for Malaysian Educational Institutions
Ayuffeirah Mislan, Mohamad Rahimi Mohamad Rosman, Mohd Idzwan Mohd Salleh, Raja Abdullah Raja Yaacob
Citation |
Vol. 12 No. 3 pp. 64-68
The term semantic web is introduce in order to create a standardize 'shell of data' and it is led by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that aiming to promotes common (exploit similarity) formats for data on the World Wide Web. This project main aims was to convert current unstructured data into a web of data that can be easily manipulate. It was build on W3C's Resource Description Framework (RDF). This proposal was intend to develop a framework that can be used for social network development, to further enhance the capability of user matching and information sharing. According to the W3C, The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. The main purpose of the development of semantic web is driving the evolution of the current Web by enabling users to find, share, and combine information more easily, some say the web 3.0. As we know humans are more intelligent compare to computer. Human can devise while computer had to follow set of instruction computed for them. Machines cannot accomplish all of tasks without human direction because the data are designed to be read by people, not machines. The semantic web is a vision of information that can be readily interpreted by machines, so machines can perform more of the tedious work involved in finding, combining, and acting upon information on the web.
Semantic Web, social networks, educational institution, information sharing, information management