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Dynamic Traffic Prioritization and TXOP Allocation in 802.11e Based Multihop Wireless Networks


Dongho Lee, Kwangsung Ju, Kwangsue Chung


Vol. 12  No. 2  pp. 33-39


Multihop wireless network applications require that mission-critical data should be guaranteed to be delivered to their corresponding targets in time. However, end-to-end QoS (Quality of Service) assurance in multihop networks is a very challenging topic. Several schemes have been proposed to provide end-to-end delay assurance for multihop wireless network environment. However, these schemes do not consider the situation that the network is overloaded and burst collision is occurred. In this paper, we propose the dynamic traffic prioritization scheme for multihop wireless networks. The proposed scheme dynamically assigns priorities to traffic according to network status in order to achieve guaranteed end-to-end QoS in multihop wireless networks. In addition, we propose a dynamic TXOP (Transmission Opportunity) allocation scheme to support QoS for wireless networks, which assign the variable length of TXOPs to different traffics based on the precise channel condition prediction.


Multihop wireless networks, MAC protocols, E-to-end QoS, Dynamic traffic prioritization