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New family of algebraically designed Zero Cross-Correlation codes for use in CDMA fibre-optic networks


Garadi Ahmed, Ali Djebbari


Vol. 11  No. 12  pp. 131-133


In this paper we present a new technique for constructing zero cross correlation codes (ZCC). The proposed technique can be adapted to any weight and any number of users with minimum code length. Many techniques have been proposed for constructing zero cross correlation codes (ZCC), among the popular ones are detailed in [1]. However these codes suffer from various limitations one way or another. The code construction is complicated and the weight is always related to the number of users, especially for weight w more than one (e.g. ZCC [2]), or the code length is too long (e.g. ZCC [3] and ZCC [4]). Long code length is considered disadvantageous in its implementation since either very band sources or narrow filter bandwidths are required.


Fiber Optical Code Division Multiple Access (FO-CDMA), Zero Cross-correlation (ZCC) code, Phase Induced Intensity noise (PIIN)