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The brainwave response of optical illusion stimulus


Hongsuo Tang, Qiping Cao, Zheng Tang


Vol. 11  No. 12  pp. 76-80


Several centuries ago the overarching obstacle in the evolution of vision was documented when George Berkeley pointed out that information in retinal images cannot be mapped unambiguously back onto their real-world sources. In this experiment, we used the EEG to analyze the brainwave dates of 2 stimuli, one can cause human optical illusion, but the other cannot. The purpose of this work was to find out the locations and mechanisms of brainwave when the human beings watch the 2D images under the optical illusion stimulus. The results showed that the responds of the optical illusion have different response time and voltage with the different coarseness at the visual area. Recognition potential (RP.) occurs in about 250ms.


EEG, 2D optical illusion, RP