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Integrated Type-2 Fuzzy System for Controlling Throttle and Brake in Smart Car to Implement Car Following and Stop & Go Maneuver
Prashant Sharma, Preeti Bajaj
Citation |
Vol. 11 No. 12 pp. 17-24
Longitudinal control of the vehicle evolved from Cruise Control (CC) to Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and now recently to Stop and Go (SNG). SNG is the most demanding functionality of the intelligent car. This feature allows the vehicle to move in a congested traffic, at a speed less than 30 kmph, even without the intervention of the driver. It enables the vehicle to follow the leader car during a stop-and-go scenario. For safety, the system should stop the vehicle before it reaches the critical distance and for comfort, system should keep the deceleration and jerk bounded. In the proposed paper, Integrated Type-2 Fuzzy System is developed with two inputs from the sensor namely, relative velocity and relative distance. The output of the system is the percentage throttle opening and brake torque requirement. The very obvious reason for using integrated system is because brake and throttle are not simultaneously required in any driving condition. Three diversified scenarios are effectively handled by the system namely- car following, pedestrian crossing and stop and go.
Car following, pedestrian crossing, stop and go (SNG), type-2 fuzzy inference system (T2FIS)