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Release go-Live day Preparation: A light Weighted Framework to Ensure Smooth Release


Kalyan Thatavarti


Vol. 11  No. 11  pp. 110-115


Now days IT software release go live day preparation is becoming more important in many organization that leverage IT as service. This is due to frequency of releases and limited availability of the installation window for growing day to day business needs. The purpose of this project is to explain the importance for software release go-live day preparation and to put the process in place to plan, monitor and control a scheduled release. The process framework is laid based on the study and analysis of field data of the IT software releases in top investment banks. The process is applied using Plan-Do-Check-Act, an iterative four-step problem-solving process typically used in process improvement on major releases across the bank. The aim of this paper is to establish an up to date over view of existing knowledge to benefit practice and future research. We show that some of the proposed benefits are realistic but that further research and improvements are needed to get the full potential value.

