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Non-Traditional Security and Role of GIS


Tariq Rahim Soomro


Vol. 11  No. 11  pp. 1-7


Non-traditional security is a popular but rather unclear concept among academic circles. The non-traditional security threats are always referred to in the context of human security to focus on the security of individuals, societies and groups, which includes criminality, environmental degradation ? energy, natural disasters, infectious disease and illegal migration etc. The term Geographic Information Systems (GIS) refers to the computerized database management system for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display of spatial and non-spatial data. GIS is no longer restricted to the fields of computer science, geography, cartography or environmental science, but nowadays GIS tools and techniques are successfully used and implemented in several fields of life. This paper explores the role of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as a tool to facilitate non-traditional security threats.


GIS, Security, Non-Traditional Security, Threats, Challenges