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Monitoring and Evaluation of Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) Signal Strength at 900MHz in Sub Urban Area
Shalangwa D. A., Singh S. K.
Citation |
Vol. 11 No. 10 pp. 175-178
In this work we monitored the variation of signal strength in terms of shadow or multi path fading using Log normal and Rayleigh distribution. Measurements were conducted at the center of the foot ball pitch of Adamawa state University Mubi in two weeks from 10/01/2010 - 24/01/2010 total of 700 observations were made altogether for two GSM operators namely Glo and Zain, the investigation revealed that GSM signal strength was attenuated at the chosen location (where the signal is received) due to the fading phenomenon and the overall result established that the GSM signal strength received at Adamawa State University is fairly adequate but not sufficient enough to meet up with customer¡¯s demand.
Network bars, Customers, Network problems, BSTs and Signal Quality