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Face Recognition using Principle Component Analysis with Different Distance Classifiers


Hussein Rady


Vol. 11  No. 10  pp. 134-144


Face recognition has received substantial attention from researchers in biometrics, pattern recognition field and computer vision communities. Face recognition can be applied in Security measure at Air ports, Passport verification, Criminals list verification in police department, Visa processing, Verification of Electoral identification and Card Security measure at ATM¡¯s. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)is a technique among the most common feature extraction techniques used in Face Recognition. In this paper, a face recognition system for personal identification and verification using Principal Component Analysis with different distance classifiers is proposed. The test results in the ORL face database produces interesting results from the point of view of recognition success, rate, and robustness of the face recognition algorithm. Different classifiers were used to match the image of a person to a class (a subject) obtained from the training data. These classifiers are: the City-Block Distance Classifier, the Euclidian distance classifier, the Squared Euclidian Distance Classifier, and the Squared Chebyshev distance Classifier. The Euclidian Distance Classifier produces a recognition rate higher than the City-Block Distance Classifier which gives a recognition rate higher than the Squared Chebyshev Distance Classifier. Also, the Euclidian Distance Classifier gives a recognition rate similar to the squared Euclidian Distance Classifier.


Face Recognition, Eigenfaces, Principal Component Analysis, Distance Measures