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Design of a New Class of Codes with Zero in Phase Cross Correlation for Spectral Amplitude Coding


C. B. M. Rashidi, S. A. Aljunid, F. Ghani


Vol. 11  No. 6  pp. 237-242


This paper presented the design of a new class of zero cross correlation optical code for Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) system using Spectral Amplitude Coding. The proposed code namely Modified Zero Cross Correlation Code (MZCC). The proposed code has minimum length and can be constructed easily for a given number of users and weights. The proposed code has shown superior performance compared with existing optical codes such as ZCC code. The proposed code was demonstrated in simulation using OptiSys. 6.0 to observe the system performance with the presence of noise.


Spectral Amplitude Coding, Phase Induce Intensity Noise, Modified Zero Cross Correlation, Optisys 6.0, Multi Access Interference