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Small World Bee: Reduce Messages Flooding and Improve Recall Rate for Unstructured P2P System


Choong Yong Liang, Lim Tong Ming


Vol. 11  No. 5  pp. 88-99


Small-World paradigm was adopted by many peer-to-peer (P2P) systems such as Freenet in order to improve performance of P2P systems. To adopt the Small world concept as part of the architecture of a P2P system, the overlay network must archive high cluster coefficient and low average hop between any two randomly chosen peers. In this research, we propose to enhance a hierarchical overlay network by incorporating the concept of Small world in order to improve several aspects of the architecture. This research adopts the Query Routing Protocol (QRP) table of a hierarchical P2P network and enhances it to hold interest information of files stored in the leaf peers in the network. QRP in the leaf peers will be aggregated and propagated to the SuperPeer so that interest information could be used to form short-range, medium-range and long-range links with other SuperPeers to achieve low average hop. The Artificial Bee Colony optimization algorithm is used to improve the search function of the proposed Small-World P2P system through various links established between SuperPeers. We use simulated tests to evaluate message flooding and recall rate of the small world P2P system. Our simulated results evaluate and benchmark our proposed Small-World Bee (SWB) overlay network with iCluster, Firework Query Model and Limewire to assess performance obtained and goals achieved in the research work so that future research directions could be planned.


Small-World paradigm, Cluster, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) System and Artificial Bee Colony