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Assignment Staff with Dynamic Competencies in Multi-Projects & Multi-Periods : Modelling and Solving by a Hybridization of Ant Colony Algorithm
Majda Fikri, Ahmed El Hilali Alaoui, Mohammed El Khomssi
Citation |
Vol. 11 No. 3 pp. 227-240
Management and optimization of human resources are a continuous challenge for the company faces the internal and external factors influencing its strategy. It consists of an optimal exploitation of competencies according to the needs and demands of tasks. But market evolutions, customer's requirements ¡¦etc, force companies to adapt their workforce rapidly to these changes. Thus the staff training remains an appropriate method to meet its commitments, and also necessary to ensure employees the chance to work by improving and diversifying their competencies. In this work we are interesting in minimizing the costs due to actors competencies lack through optimizing the allocation of tasks to them. In the first section we present an overview of recent works done in the assignment of tasks to the human resources, which present our frame work. The second section is reserved to mathematical modelling of our problem by introducing constraints corresponding to the structuring of multi-projects and multi-periods using dynamic human resource competencies. In the third section, we present an overview on the ant colony algorithm (ACO), that we use in solving our problem. Finally, a detailed algorithm based on the ACO will be presented as a method of solving our problem with a numerical simulation.
Assignment problem, mixed linear programming, multi-projects, similarity index, competencies evolution, ant colony optimization