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Development of Fitness Cycle System Using Google Streetview


Hyun-Cheol Lee, Kyeon-Heon Kange, Jae-Hong Joo, Eun-Seok Kim, Gi-Taek Hur


Vol. 11  No. 2  pp. 121-126


These days people exercise much less than in the past, and many people consciously put aside exercise time to maintain and enhance physical fitness. People prefer to use machines like a cycle or a running machine for aerobic exercise at home or fitness clubs that have little constraint of time, space and weather. However, it is often hard to continue the exercise due to lack of motivation. Interesting new equipments are introduced at home and abroad that combine UT elements with equipments for aerobic exercises. But, often they lack interesting contents and cost much. This research suggests a health cycle training system that is equipped with a sensor to communicate with PC-based Google Maps API. The system controls Google Maps and StreetView to present panoramic and life-like images to exercising people.


Google Streetview, Fitness Cycle, RFID, Sensor