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Automatic Classification of Normal and Infected Blood Cells for Parasitemia Detection


S. S. Savkare, S. P. Narote


Vol. 11  No. 2  pp. 94-97


Malaria, Thalassaema and Babesia are serious global health problem and rapid, precise diagnosis and determination of parasitemia is necessary for accurate medication. Visual quantification of parasitemia in thin blood films is a very tedious, subjective and time-consuming task. Manual counting by light microscopy is the most widely used technique for parasitemia determination but it is a time-consuming and laborious process and requires expertise. This work resents an automatic method for quantification and classification of erythrocytes in Giemsa stained thin blood films infected with Plasmodium Falciparum or Protozoan Parasite. The features are extracted using statistical parameters and SVM classifier used for classification of normal or infected blood cells.


Erythrocytes, thrsholding, watershed transform, segmentation, feature extraction, SVM classifier