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FPGA Implementation of NLMS Algorithm for Receiver in wireless communication system
K. R. Rekha, B. S. Nagabushan, K.R..Nataraj
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 12 pp. 72-86
This paper proposes a verilog implementation of a normalised Least Mean Square (NLMS) adaptive algorithm. The envisaged application in the wireless communication identification system. The good convergence of NLMS algorithm has made us to choose it. It also has good stability. Adaptive filtering constitutes one of the core technologies in digital signal processing and finds numerous application areas in science as well as in industry. In this paper NLMS algorithm is used to reduce the error at the output of the receiver in wire less communication system. A verilog implementation is developed for a 5th order NLMS adaptive filter. As compared conventional LMS it has been proven that NLMS Algorithm has good behaviour. Model Sim simulations results altogether with plots obtained in Mat lab prove the same.
Adaptive filters, Digital signal processing, FPGA NLMS, LMS