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Performance Analysis of Low Rate and Low Power IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for Personal Wireless Area Networks
G R Veerendra, Nandini Prasad K S, Babu N V, Puttamadappa C
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 11 pp. 233-238
A new standard IEEE 802.15.4 was uniquely designed to suit personal wireless networks requirement consuming low power, provides low data rate and low cost. In this paper, an effort is made to analyze the performance of Low Rate and Low Power IEEE 802.15.4 in heterogeneous simulation environment. The simulation in NS2 is carried out for three types network topology with varying network density Both beacon and non beacon enabled experiments are carried out on different traffic type. It is already known fact that IEEE 802.15.4 outperforms than IEEE 802.11 in terms of routing overhead and also power consumption. In this paper, we also discuss the reasons that could degrade the overall network performance with varying node density. To cover all the scenarios, we have considered hierarchical topology and peer to peer beacon enabled network. Both beacon and non beacon enabled experiments are carried out on different traffic type.
IEEE 802.15.4 , wireless networks, Hierarchical topology and peer to peer beacon enabled network