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Analytical Evaluation of Collaborative Communications in UMTS Networks
David Cort?s-Polo, Jos?-Luis Gonz?lez-S?nchez, Javier Carmona-Murillo, Francisco J. Rodr?guez-Perez
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 11 pp. 211-217
When a new technology is developed, new services appear related to it. Mobile networks brings an enormous benefit to the society and in a no so long future, it could be a fundamental element of communications. Nowadays, one of the most demanded services in the world is the real-time multimedia communications. The videoconference and the streaming are two of the essential media to the users. In this work we present a novel multiplatform tool for teleteaching. To create the virtual classroom, we join the participants in multicast groups and using a session architecture, we interconnect different multicast islands into a group. We have developed a test-bed to measure the information sent to the network and we have used different network technologies, as Ethernet or mobile networks, to prove it. The measurements were carried out using real networks. This work shows the results obtained in various test realized in UMTS mobile networks and compares them with the results obtained in wired networks.
Collaborative Communications, RTP, TCP, UDP, UMTS, JMF