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Development of Morphological Rules for Bangla Words for Universal Networking Language


Muhammad Firoz Mridha, Md. Zakir Hossain, Shahid Al Noor


Vol. 10  No. 10  pp. 235-241


This paper describes a method for the development of Bangla Enconversion within the framework of the Universal Networking Language (UNL).We also discuss some issues and problems related to the UNL representation that affect the quality of generation. Additionally, the lingware engineering is introduced as a technique to enhance the quality and increase the development efficiency. In this paper, we propose a pioneer work that analyzes the Bangla words morphologically from which we obtain Roots and Krit Prottoy (Primary suffixes), and develops some rules for Bangla Root, Krya Bivokti (Verbal suffixes) and Primary Suffix for the UNL.


Morphology, Bangla Roots, Primary Suffix, Morphological rules, Universal Networking Language