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A novel QoS frame work for MDSRAODV Routing Protocol in MANET
P.R.Jasmine Jeni, A.Vimala Juliet, B.Shaji
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 10 pp. 211-215
Mobile Ad Hoc network (MANET) is a multi-hop temporary autonomous system of mobile nodes with wireless transmitters and receivers without the aid of pre-established network infrastructure. With the development of network and demand of users, QoS has become one of the focus issues. Some of the routing protocols provide QoS performance however, more work is required in developing scalable ad hoc routing protocols that support quality-of-service (QoS). Link stability (in term of link survival time) has great impact to QoS Performance of routing in ad hoc networks. By implementing link stability, the QoS performance of varieties of ad hoc routing protocols could be improved. The dynamics of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET), as a consequence of mobility of mobile hosts, propose the problem in finding stable multi-hop routes for effective communication between any pair of source and destination. In an ad hoc network, the topology varies as a result of the mobility of its mobile hosts. Consequently, the task of performing ad hoc network routing is more complex and less efficient. In this paper, a link stability model is proposed for Modified DSR- AODV routing protocol to improve the QoS performance. This protocol adopts dynamic source routing mechanism and extends the AODV protocol. The link stability model includes two major phases routing discovery and routing maintenance. Routing discovery process is to find feasible paths between source and destination node. Routing maintenance process is to monitor and predict the future information about availability of link. Link stability factor and QOS performance are taken consideration in routing discovery and maintenance. The simulation results have demonstrated the significant advantages of the proposed routing protocol with link stability model over the existing routing protocol.
MANET, Link Stability Model, MDSR, AODV, QOS