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O¡¯Neurolog ? Building an Ontology for Neurology in Mobile Environment


Youssouf El Allioui, Omar El Beqqali


Vol. 10  No. 9  pp. 188-197


The (context-aware services). A crucial requirement for the context-aware service provisioning is the dynamic retrieval and interaction with local resources, i.e., resource discovery. The high degree of dynamicity and heterogeneity of mobile environments requires to rethink and/or extend traditional discovery solutions to support more intelligent service search and retrieval, personalized to user context conditions. Several research efforts have recently emerged in the field of service discovery that, based on semantic data representation and technologies, allow flexible matching between user requirements and service capabilities in open and dynamic deployment scenarios. Our research work aims at providing suitable answering mechanisms of mobile requests by taking into account user contexts (preferences, profiles, physical location, temporal information¡¦). This paper proposes an ontology, culled O¡¯Neurolog, to capture semantic knowledge a valuable in Neurology domain in order to assist users (doctor, patient, administration ¡¦) when querying Neurology knowledge bases in mobile environment. increasing diffusion of portable devices with wireless connectivity enables new pervasive scenarios, where users require tailored service access according to their needs, position, and execution/environment conditions


Neurology, ontology, context-aware, semantic web, query answering, mobile environment