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ZRLBS: Zone Reputation Based Load Balancing Simulator to Grip Selfish Behavior in Social Networks
P.K. Suri, Kavita Taneja
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 8 pp. 224-232
A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is generally composed of a dynamic set of cooperative neighbors, which are willing to share their wireless transmission power with neighboring Mobile Unit (MU) to support multihop communication between MUs that are not in the direct transmission range of each other. MANETs, blamed of nomadic MUs, limited battery power and unreliable transmission medium, makes them extremely prone to misbehaviors. A relatively less investigated behavioral concern in MANET is caused by the so called cooperative nature of the MUs. Theoretically, MU participation in open communication is crucial leaving no space for issues like preserving the power for personal usage only. Hence, the research effort on MANET focused mainly on routing and assumes that all nodes are usually cooperative. But this a MANET myth, practically limited power and resource constraints can make a MU prone to go into the shell of power save mode resulting in deteriorated MANET performance. This paper summarizes research results addressing the hunting and dealing with selfish behavior in MANETs from a two-side perspective the detection and punishment of selfish MUs and the proposal of a fairer MANET environment defined by Zone Reputation Based Load Balancing Simulator (ZRLBS) that attempts to split the action area and stochastically leverage the load added to reputation management (creation and maintenance) among the participants MUs to prevent selfish behavior. We evaluated the performance of ZRLBS based scheme using the packet delivery ratio, the communication overhead, and Selfish Node (SN) detection in a discrete event-simulation environment. The results indicate that a reputation-based zone oriented load balancing mechanism can significantly reduce the effect of selfish attacks and improve performance in MANETs.
Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), Mobile Unit (MU), Selfish Node (SN), Zone Incharge (ZI), Zone Reputation Based Load Balancing Simulator (ZRLBS)