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Multiple RFID Tag/Reader Co ? Existence Proof Based On Rabin Cryptosystem
Aik Theng Tan, Dahlan Abdullah, Ronsen Purba, Rahmat Budiarto
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 8 pp. 215-223
There are a lot of multiple RFID tag co?existence proofs have been developed by previous researcher such as Yoking Proof [1], On Existence Proof for multiple RFID tag [2] and A Proposed Proof by Thiti et al [3].[1],[2],[3] are applying symmetric secret sharing key method for performing an authentication in between RFID tag and server. In this manuscript, we are going to propose asymmetric secret key algorithm such as Rabin cryptosystem for generating multiple RFID tag co?existence proof. The reasons asymmetric secret key algorithm has been proposed instead of symmetric secret sharing key are 1) Provides for message authentication. Public key encryption allows the use of digital signatures which enables the recipient of a message to verify that the message is truly from a particular sender [6]. 2) Detection of tampering: The use of digital signatures in public key encryption allows the receiver to detect if the message was altered in transit. A digitally signed message cannot be modified without invalidating the signature [6]. For next following sub-chapters in this manuscript [1],[2],[3] and including our proposed method will be shown in more details the way on how they are applied for generating multiple RFID tag & reader co?existence proof and discussion for its security analysis.
Rabin Cryptosystem, Symmetric Secret Sharing Key, Asymmetric Secret Key, RFID ? Radio Frequency Identification