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Published Papers Search Service
Searching the Most Authoritative & Obscure Sources from the Web
Bharat Bhushan, Narender Kumar
Citation |
Vol. 10 No. 8 pp. 149-153
This paper discusses the ways to rank the website using authoritative and obscurity parameters. Website ranking algorithm is leveraging parameters with primary focus on Authoritativeness and relevancy. Additionally, obscurity parameters like Subscriber Counts from Google Reader, Authority Count from Technorati are analyzed to rank a source which is less visible or not too popular or related to a non-famous Zone. This tool viz. source rank tool will be an asset to help the industries working under data extraction using web to rank the sources as per their business needs e.g. a source with low page rank (PR) can be ranked as high if a person who writes the article is an expert in his domain.
Website, Search Engine, Source Rank tool, Blog, SEO, PR