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Sustainable Saudi Business Tourism (SBT) Innovation: Improving The Position of SBT Coping with Information System


Abdullah Saad Al Malaise Al Ghamdi


Vol. 10  No. 7  pp. 300-310


This study provides insights about the activities, challenges, and options SBTs face when confronted with rapidly advancing information technology.Although much of the discussion of innovation focuses on new products and technologies, all innovation is based on challenging existing assumptions and ways of thinking. The tourism sector has experienced rapid technological development. In this new tourism environment innovation and knowledge creation are important for establishing a competitive advantage. This advantage can be accomplished by integrating marketing information systems and organizational knowledge creation methodologies. Management information systems (MISs) are generally described as sets of data that are analyzed through statistical programs and models. It is a unified scheme that brings together all of the components being used (raw data, information, reports, and models) in order to meet specific management objectives.This paper argues that one option to develop new ways of thinking and innovation in business tourism is to argue that there is no such thing as sustainable tourism. If we begin with the assumption that tourism cannot be sustainable in its own right but may contribute to the sustainable development of some regions under some circumstances, then a number of new approaches to tourism development emerge. In particular, it is argued that stronger links may emerge between tourism and other economic activities and development options. These potential synergies are described and illustrated with a range of examples. In addition, the paper sets out a series of additional criteria that could be used to evaluate different potential tourism developments and makes suggestions about the development of sustainability performance indicators. Finally, the paper highlights the importance of better knowledge management systems to support innovation in tourism.


Business tourism, Saudi Business tourism (SBT), Sustainable development, Sustainable tourism, Potential tourism innovation, regional development, Management information system (MIS)