This paper is an outcome of the studies of the following three articles namely,(i) the opinion of Mr.Micheal A.Arbib[15] who has actively advanced the notion that ¡°the brain is not a computer in the recent technological sense, but that we can learn much about brains from studying machines, and much about machines from studying brains. His thoughts have influenced, encouraged, and enhanced many research workers in the field of neural networks,(ii) the study of the article entitled, Integrating Language and Cognition, by Perlovsky[1] (Refer Philosophy to applications, topic 5, of the article), and (iii) Authors comment paper on Perlovsky¡¯s article[18]. The main objective of this paper is to present (i) some suggestions to overcome the limitations of the MFT algorithm[18],and(ii) an improved MFT diagram. Incidentally, this technical paper has brought out the differences between the human brain and the computer, with the intention of furthering more research in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and also Computational Intelligence (CI), in order to improve the cognition procedure. At the end, some discussions on the improvement of the MFT diagram, have been presented.
Cognition, Brain, Digital Computer, Computational Intelligence (CI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Modeling Field Theory(MFT)