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Type-2 Fuzzy Control for Bioinformatics ? A Systems Approach


Aboubekeur Hamdi-Cherif


Vol. 10  No. 7  pp. 69-75


Life is governed by high-precision perfectly engineered control processes, from the simplest cell to the most sophisticated ecosystem - and beyond. Biological control systems are at the heart of life. This paper reports the study of regulation and the applicability of type-2 fuzzy control systems in bioinformatics. The framework of study is systems biology. In addition to two previously-described levels of bioinformatics discipline, characterized by intelligence-free programs, and artificial intelligence-based programs, respectively, another level is now proposed that incorporates intelligent control action exemplified by type-2 fuzzy control. As such, the new level reported here is the most complex as it is dedicated to offering a scientific and developmental framework for enhancing bioinformatics through the determination of optimal therapeutic strategies or tissue engineering. The resulting framework is a contribution towards practical innovations in engineering, medicine, and pharmacy.


Bioinformatics, biological regulation, intelligent control, type-2 fuzzzy control