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Comparation of CobiT Maturity Model and Structural Equation Model for Measuring the Alignment between University Academic Regulations and Information Technology Goals


Haryanto Tanuwijaya, Riyanarto Sarno


Vol. 10  No. 6  pp. 80-92


A University needs to align between Academic Regulations and Information Technology goals in order to improve the academic quality. The university academic regulations include compliance with external laws, regulations and contracts. Information Technology goals comprises ensure critical and confidential information in withheld from those who should not have access to it. In this regard, the measuring the alignment is important. The measurement is complicated, because it involves many aspects which are sometimes intangible. CobiT is usually used to measure the maturity level of information technology processes; whereas Structural Equation Model is employed to measure the alignment between business and information technology goals.This research proposes the use of CobiT Maturity Model and Structural Equation Model to measure the alignment between the University Academic Regulations and Information Technology goals. In the CobiT Maturity Model, an auditor develops questions for each Maturity Level from the statement in each CobiT Maturity Level. The auditor collects the evidence by interviewing staffs and observing the related documents. The maturity levels of information technology processes are resulted from the maturity calculation. The maturity levels are used to assess the alignment level. In Structural Equation Model, the auditor develops questionnaires from the statement in each CobiT Maturity Level. The questionnaires are filled by respondents assisted by the surveyors. The data is processed by using Partial Least Square, and the results are the effects of the processes to the information technology goals, and the effect of information technology goals to business goals. Then, these effects are used to calculate the total effect of the alignment. Both of the models show that CobiT Maturity Levels and the effect scores of Structural Equation Model have the same list of maturity ranks of the information technology processes. The information technology process with the highest rank is Ensure Systems Security, and the lowest rank is Manage the Physical Environment. The alignment levels from Cobit Maturity Model and the effect score of alignment from Structural Equation Model are relatively the same. Furthermore, Structural Equation Model has more advantages; i.e. easier to understand, more objective in judgment, shorter time of audit, lower cost of audit, and more active participants.


Alignment measurement, CobiT Maturity Model, Structural Equation Model